Sunday 16 June 2019

5 mountains and 1 big birthday part 6 Stac Pollaidh 17/05/19

Our last mountain day of our holidays was Stac Pollaidh, what it lacks in height or the time that it takes to climb it, certainly makes up for it by the views that you get from the top. I had read lots of reports all saying the same, they were right. A well made path takes you from the carpark around the base, before veering off towards the saddle. After reaching the point where we had intended to stop to take in the views and then head back down, I saw a route up through the rocks towards the eastern end, this meant hands on rock and scrambling up to the plateau, it was worth it for the stunning views over to Suilven, Cul Beag and Cul Mor. Thankfully I had managed to take a few photos up the top because as I was clambering over some rocks on the way down, I dropped the camera, the impact meant the lens and the camera body did not have the close relationship the once had. Thanks to Fuji repair, for a fee, the camera and lens are now the best of friends again.

The jagged outline of Stac Pollaidh

Lesley admiring the view

Lesley on the eastern plateau

Me trying to balance another rock on top of the cairn

Views over to Cul Mor on the left with Cul Beag on the right

The western end, looks pretty fragile

The eastern end where we had been looking equally fragile

Sailing boat in Old Dorney Bay around the coast from the Altandhu campsite

Altandhu campsite

Sunset at Altandhu

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