Sunday, 22 September 2019

NOC National Rampart Rally Morpeth 27th - 29th July 2019

We had the Friday booked of work to attend the Norton National Rally in Morpeth, the weather forecast was for a bit of a washout. Thankfully we made it most of the way in the dry and what rain we did get wasn't too bad. We stopped for food at the Old smiddy in Tyninghame worth a visit if its not too busy with olds. Yes we did go down by the A1, wont make that mistake again.
There were a good few bikes at the Rugby Club when we arrived, we signed in and exchanged some how was the run down blethers before getting the tent up, thankfully before the rain did came on.
More blethering with plenty visits to the bar made the Friday night, it was great to catch up with folks we hadn't seen for a while, in some cases a few years.
We didn't go on any of the organised Saturday runs, we opted instead to walk into Morpeth for breakfast and a wee wander around, Morpeth looks not too bad for a visit.
The bike runs were to be back in Morpeth town centre around 3pm so we had plenty time to kill before then, how much tea can you drink though. When we arrived in the centre, there were plenty Nortons all parked up, there were lots of onlookers taking in the spectacle.
The Saturday night was spent drinking beer, talking bikes and watching Max fire up his Manx Norton and riding it along the front of the rugby club.
Sunday morning came around earlier than you would wish which means packing up the tent and your gear to head home. We had a great run home on the A68 in mostly good weather.
Thanks to all the organisers and the rugby club for a brilliant well run rally, roll on the next one.

 Our stop off for food at Tyninghame

 Nortons at Morpeth Rugby Club

 Bert and Laurenne's mode of transport for the weekend

 Forfar John's Norton weather forecaster, it was raining

 Nice Interpol

 Saturday morning run in the rain

 Morpeth street life

 Fiona's Commando

A couple of colourful Commandos

 Max's Manx Norton and Atlas

 Saturday afternoon gathering of the Nortons in Morpeth town square

Morpeth Mayoress in the centre of proceedings

Video of the gathering

Robin and Alan discussing all things Norton

Max in the centre, Mayoress on the right

Guy commanding a serious Belgian pose

A very nice red and chrome BSA 650 Firebird

Jim contemplating something

Mike, Campbell and Gary

Audience watching the Triton getting tiptoed out

Fiona and Gino's Nortons

A different flatracker style Fastback

A nice line up of varying years and styles

Max getting the Manx cracked up for his audience

Mayoress getting some photos

A video of the Manx in action

Beautiful bike, even at rest

Saturday evening

Saturday night dancing, for the short time that the band played

 A couple of BSA's and a Triumph on the Sunday morning

Gino, Fiona and Alec heading home.

Saturday, 14 September 2019

Bert and Laurenne's Hoolets Party 20/07/19

It was that time of year again to pack the tent and lots of beers onto the bikes and head to Bert and Laurenne's Hoolets Party, the weather was looking good which made the run down even better.
It was great to arrive and get the tent up before succumbing to the charms of McEwans Export.
A steady stream of folk arrived throughout the day and evening, some we had met before and some we hadnt, its always great to hear stories of what they had been upto during the past year.
Most folk arrived on bikes or bike engine derivitaves. Alan and Susie turned up in their 2 litre S & S engined Morgan, Bert had been taken for a quick hurl in it before we arrived.
The photos were taken with my Olympus O-M1 using Kodak Pro Image film and the Rolleicord with Kodak Tri X.

Gino and Fiona were on the JPN and Fastback Nortons
Old BMW flathead
Alan and Susie's Morgan
A collection of Bert and Laurenne's vehicles
The party started
A Hoolets gathering
Ewen telling Bert about his Harley experience
Tents up, beers oot

Dave and Ewen shooting the breeze
Sunday morning dish washing party
Breakfast Hoolets style, so chilled you dont want to leave

Hoolets kitchen art
Berts BMW Bobber in the sunshine
Thanks to Bert and Laurenne for another great party.