Thursday, 19 July 2018

Bert and Laurenne's Hoolets Party 14/07/18

A few photos of the great party, thanks to Bert and Laurenne

Some milling around, trying not no open the beers too early

BMW outfit getting some expert opinion

The Street Triple and the Big Yam parked up for the night

Phil's braw Interstate

Forfar John's cracking Commando, goes as well as it looks

Davie T and Lesley soaking up the rays

Davie T and Gino along with Lesley and Liz acting up for the camera

Jake and Gino shooting the breeze

Jake smiling as always

Braw weather and good company

Liz enjoying the party and Gus preparing the BBQ

Dave at ease with the world

Braw shiny Norton

Evening blethering

A Harley, a couple of Indians and some BM's

Braw fire lighting up the night